Adolescence is a particularly difficult stage of life. Even teenagers from functional families grapple with pressure from peers, insecurities about competency, body image and attractiveness to others, pressures to experiment with drugs, alcohol, sex, and issues involved with the beginnings of adult identity formation.
Fortunately, We Can Help!!!

Metamorphosis Consulting Services provides Intensive In-Community Services in New Jersey. IIC Service is an analytical, focused, goal-oriented, and needs-based clinical intervention that addresses emotional and behavioral challenges of youth with moderate to high needs. Services may be provided in a youth's home or in an amenable community location by a licensed behavioral health clinician and is intended to stabilize and support the youth and family in an effort to deter more intensive interventions and to support the youth and family in collaboration with New Jersey Children's System of Care. Hodges-Metamorphosis is service provider # 0721247 for the Essex County Partnership for Children
Intensive In Community services are goal-oriented, focused, and are intended to support the needs of the child, youth or young adult and his or her family/caregiver to remain in the community.